What is the difference between Basic and Advanced backup systems?

We run daily and weekly backups on the advanced backup system for free on all accounts under 10GB and 250k inodes. When your account grows over this threshold, daily backup stops running, and only weekly backup will be available. We can still run the daily backup on the advanced backup system when your account size is more than 10GB or 250k inodes for an additional fee.


Basic backup system

  • Applied to all shared hosting accounts of all sizes.
  • Runs Weekly and Monthly
  • Backup entire account
  • Only individual file/folder can be restored from cPanel. (Support ticket is required to request a full account restore)
  • Created mainly for internal use

Advanced backup system (Free) NEW!

  • Runs Daily and Weekly for accounts under 10GB and 250k Inodes and weekly only for accounts over this threshold.
  • Backup entire account (including files, databases, and email accounts)
  • 1-Click restore from cPanel
  • You can restore individual file/folder, database, email account, or the entire hosting account from cPanel.
  • Backup can be downloaded from cPanel
  • Backups stored in two locations 

Advanced backup system (Paid)

  • Runs Daily and Weekly no matter the account size.
  • Backup entire account (including files, databases, and email accounts)
  • 1-Click restore from cPanel
  • You can restore individual file/folder, database, email account, or the entire hosting account from cPanel.
  • Backup can be downloaded from cPanel
  • Backups stored in two locations 



  • backup, shared hosting, cPanel
  • 6579 Users Found This Useful
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